Let me save you some time and "googling" and share this comprehensive list complied by Jay of Fertility Authority and the two week wait blog. Below is a list of grants, clinical trials, scholarships, foundations, even contests of some sort all dedicated to the financial barrier that exists in infertility. As always, do your due diligence in researching the ins and outs of each.
Clinical Trials: www.clinicaltrials.gov. You can search for free fertility treatment in your area that you may qualify for. On my second IVF, I did a clinical trial and found out about it through the clinic I was seeing. If you don’t want to go the website, you can ask your current doctor if they are participating in any you might qualify for. The Tinina Q. Cade Foundation’s Family Building Grant: http://www.cadefoundation.org. They are accepting applicants NOW for the 2016 $10,000 grant so you can fill out a form here: http://www.cadefoundation.org/?page_id=10 Baby Quest: http://babyquestfoundation.org/ The AGC Hope Scholarship:http://www.agcscholarships.org/about-agc/ Fertile Dreams – The Embracing Hope Grant: http://www.fertile-dreams.org B.U.M.P.S.: http://www.yourbump.org/ The Heart to Heart Video Contest:https://hearttoheartcontest.com/ The International Council on Infertility Information Dissemination (INCID): http://www.inciid.org Parenthood for Me: http://www.parenthoodforme.org/ Sparkles of Life: http://www.sparklesoflife.org/ The Angels of Hope Foundation:http://www.angelsofhopeinc.org/creatingMiraclesGrant.htm The Sharing Hope Financial Assistance Program:http://www.livestrong.org/we-can-help/fertility-services/fertility-resource-guide/ Verna’s Purse: http://www.reprotech.com/financial-assistance.html?faqitem=faq31 Lost Stark Foundation: http://loststorkfoundation.org/ 1/29/2016 10:54:34 am
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February 2025